Thanks for joining me on the podcast!

When you enter your email address you will receive my best 3 tips for connecting better with your audience and find your own funny!

This is a distillation of my 4 years in comedy, a culmination of countless class hours spent sitting at the feet of comedy legends.

(Not literally. Some of them have stinky feet.)

Your email address will grant you passage into Finding Your Funny,  so you can deliver your message without the risk of boredom — or tears.

Enter in your email address now to get my "3 Ways to Find Your Funny" eBook. 

I help people like you find your funny. You can add your unique humor into conversations, and work, and develop your full funny potential!

If you want to see how humor can fit into your business or communication strategy - set up a time to chat by clicking Schedule Now.
Don’t just get your point across, do with a bit of fun.
I’ll help you focus on simple things you can do to begin letting your best self shine. 

There's a new class in town!!

Okay, technically it's a virtual class... INTRODUCING....


CLICK HERE to schedule your free "Find Your Funny" coaching session with me now to see if this class is a fit for you.

In this class, you will:

  • Have fun learning how to communicate quickly and efficiently with humor
  • Get hands-on attention in a small group setting
  • Discover your unique brand of funny
  • Work with me creating your engaging reels and workshop your copy
  • Learn all the secrets that get your ideal clients to stop scrolling and pay attention to you
  • Find how to show up 100% as yourself even if you are shy or uninspired
  • Receive immediate feedback and get accountability from working with other like-minded entrepreneurs